Big Pharma Was Invented By The Rockefellers | Your News Wire

Conspiracy Daily Update

This guy looks freaky! -> Brian

August 17, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry

The bitter truth is that when you go to your Western doctor, you are seen as a potential market for the medical factory’s products. For Big Pharma, there is no financial incentive to heal you, because a patient cured is a customer lost. Even if you are not sick, Big Pharma is still targeting you, trying to convince you that you are ill so that you will try its latest pill.

Western medicine has some good points, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine or allopathy), with its focus on drugs, drugs, radiation, drugs, surgery, and more drugs, is at its foundation a money spinning Rockefeller creation. reports:

The Rockefellers, of course, are one of the most rich and powerful families of the elite black…

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